Tuesday, July 8, 2014

The "Blessings" of a Mission

We received Sean’s email very late in the day yesterday, since when we received it there were only a few minutes left in his p-day.  He now knows he will be transferred next time, and he sounds a bit torn on being ready to move on and wanting to stay. He and his companion had a great experience with a priesthood blessing with a family in need.


Hey everyone, 

Happy 4th of July everyone!!! I totally forgot about it until it was the 4th of July and Sister Arrington (wife of the president) told me happy 4th of July. I hope you guys had a good 4th of July. I am really glad to hear that everyone is doing okay and you guys seem to be happy. I am glad to hear about Todd and the air traffic job invitation. The front porch looks really good and the house is looking a lot newer. I love the McDonald's story from Mom and I never thought that you would have a strong accent (HaHa). It’s good to hear that all three of my sisters are doing okay.      

This last week was really a good week and we had a lot of success working with members this week. We were also able to bring Juan to a baptism in different sector and he really liked it. He ended up coming to church again and we are hoping that he will choose to be baptized this week. He is right now think between his daughter´s church and our church. We keep on telling him that he need to pray about it but he hasn't received an answer yet. We haven't really heard much from Alejandra and Luis, so we are hoping to pass by them this week. Mario is going to a different ward right now because his cousin goes there and he feels really lonely in our ward. So he will get baptized, but by other missionary's in a different ward. I am just happy that he is choosing to be baptized and be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ!   

We had our interviews this last week with president and they went really well. He gave us a quote from Elder Jeffery R. Holland and I really liked it and it’s for missionaries. This is the quote:

 ¨Por un momento raro desde el momento en que se levante por la mañana hasta se acueste de noche, puede ser un verdadero discípulo apostólico de Cristo. Les recuerdo a los misioneros que ellos son apostólicos. Un apóstol es uno que es enviado. Un apóstol es un testigo. Por 18 meses [o 2 años] puede ser un testigo del evangelio de Jesucristo y Su nombre a tiempo completo; CADA HORA, CADA MINUTO, CADA MOMENTO.¨ (Elder Jeffrey R. Holland)

I really liked this quote and it is really strong! I’m not going to exactly translate it but it says that missionaries are apostles for 2 years. An apostle is a witness and that we need to be witnesses of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I love how it says that we need to be witnesses of this gospel every hour, every minute and every moment. I really loved the quote and it is so true that missionary's need to witnesses of this gospel at all times. I also think that this is for every member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.       

This is my last week here in Hualpencillo and it’s pretty sad for me! I know that I will be getting transferred next Tuesday, and I will find out we I go on Monday. I want to go because I have been in this sector for a very long time, but at the same time I don't want to leave because of the people in this sector. It is my time to go and I really don't want to go but it’s up to the Lord now. I am thinking that I will be going to Chillan! I heard that there is snow there so I will be happy about that. I guess we will find out next week.

I learned how powerful the priesthood authority is this week. We passed by for a family that is kind of having a hard time in their lives right now. Their grandma just died yesterday and the father has been in his bed all week with pains in his back. We could see that he was in pain and it was hard for him to walk and sit down. So he asked us for blessing. My companion did the first part and I did the blessing. Three minutes after we ended the blessing he was able to move normally. He could walk, he could sit down, he could bend over and he was able to do all kinds of things. It truly proved to me the power of the priesthood and how blessed we are as members of the church to have this power. 

I love you guys and have a great week! I hope to hear from you next week and I guess I can tell you where I will be going. I love every single one of you and you’re the best family ever. 

Love you guys!!!

Elder McAlister 


This is a message that Cherilyn shared with Sean this week, and I think it’s an interesting perspective as well:

“Every Fast Sunday we get the ward newsletter and it tells about each of the missionaries in our ward (at least most of them). I like reading about everyone and how they are doing. I wanted to share Jared Schlenker story with you because I thought it was an interesting perspective. He says, "I finally realized why the Savior calls us sheep. The adversary's plan was to force us to do everything right? If you try to force a sheep out the door, it turns and runs the other way. If you try to force a sheep to food or water, it runs the other way. If you force a sheep to do basically anything, it will turn and run in circles until it wants to do something else. It just doesn't work to force them. Did the Savior ever force us to do anything? No. Did he ever coerce us? No. He talked to us, softly, sweetly and with love. Then he shows us the way and we follow Him down that path. It's the same with sheep. As Sister Robinson (I guess someone he knows) calls each of her sheep by name, they come. She thanks them for coming to her and beckons them out the door.  If they rush, she stops them, corrects them, scratches their head and then sends them out the door. I was honestly offended when I saw the stupidity of sheep and how the Savior calls us His sheep.  But then I realized it's not the stupidity of sheep, it is the submissiveness and willingness they have to follow the shepherd, that is why we are His sheep. He knows what is best for us and when we stray, or rush, or do anything he doesn't want us to, he calls us by name, loves us, corrects us, loves us more, and sends us back out to see if we will do it right, knowing full well that we will be back in the same situation again."

No pictures this week, so until next week, have a safe and joyful week.

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