Another update from Sean today. Sounds like a normal mission week with plenty
of ups and downs. The message he shares from the talk at the District
Conference is a good one.
After the email there are a bunch of new photos from his
last p-day and other events which are great to see, a picture truly is worth a
thousand words, so there is a lot said in these pictures for me.
Hey Everyone,
Its sounds like you guys will have a snowy Christmas and I
will have a very hot Christmas! I wish I could have gone to the festival of
trees, that sounds really fun and looks like you guys had a good time. I hope
that Dad will get better from whatever you had. I can’t believe that Christmas
is that close!! Here it’s totally different, not much Christmas lights, so far I
have seen a few houses and our house.
This last week was good and bad at the same time. So I will
tell you the bad news first. Our investigators are being stubborn right now. We
had to move all the baptism dates back. Our first baptism this month is now
going to be on the 20 of December and the rest after that. Also we lost one of
the baptisms and we are starting to lose the other one. So this week has been
hard with that and still looking for good investigators. The good news is that
Javiera is still going good for a baptism, and she is the one on the 20 of December.
Claudia is doing well she keeps on going to church and she is doing everything
we ask her to do. She went from smoking a pack to only two cigarettes in the
night. We have seen some blessing with her, now our only problem with her is
she needs to get married. We are praying for her and this week we are meeting
with her and her boyfriend to talk about a date, and we hope that everything
goes well.
On Saturday and Sunday we had our District Conference which
is like the Stake Conference in Utah. The President of the Mission came up and
talked to our Rama (Ward) and the other Ramas. They talked a lot about working
with the miembros and how they are the key part in conversion of investigators.
The talks were really good and the spirit was strong. The cool thing was I
understood almost every talk really good. One of the speakers said, "Why
are we scared to work with the missionaries, why can’t we make time, why do we
not want to work with the missionaries? This is not the missionaries work, this
is the Lords work, if he has time for you, and then why can’t you make time for
him! These are the last days and we as members need to help every missionary
with saving peoples souls and bringing them to their salvation," I thought
that this quote was really cool and how everyone in the church needs to work
together in the last days to save every soul we can.
Also this week we had to mini cambios which is when I work
with a different Elder for the day. The first mini cambio was with Elder Sierra
which was really good, but he and his companion are having a hard time working
and Elder Donoso is the district leader so that one was really good. The other
cambio was with the Zone Leaders because we need a baptism interview for
Javiera. Which went okay and I was with the other Elder in the house all day
because he was sick and that was super boring and felt like the longest day of
my life. I would rather work then sit in the house all day.
This next Monday is our cambios so I will get a new
companion and I might leave Linares but I will find out next Monday. This
cambio was really fast and the time in the mission goes by super fast, it’s not
even funny. The days go by so fast it’s like I woke up and then 5 minutes later
I’m back in my bed. It has been going so fast i can’t believe it. I have 4
months in the mission and almost 3 months in Chile!
This Christmas I don't get to call you guys! I get to Skype
instead which is so much better. I get to Skype for about an hour and a half.
So I can’t wait to see you guys. Its sometime after 11:00 AM in Chile, and I
don't remember how far ahead Chile is to Utah, but it should be really fun and
really cool to Skype you guys and see the good old family.
Thank you guys for everything and the love that you guys
have for me. I hope you guys have a good week and I want you guys to know that I
love you and think about you all the time.
Elder McAlister
The spiritual shared with Sean this week comes from
something I was reading the other day on the life of Heber C. Kimball. He said:
“Let me say to you, that many of you will see the time when
you will have all the trouble, trial and persecution that you can stand, and
plenty of opportunities to show that you are true to God and his work. This
Church has before it many close places through which it will have to pass
before the work of God is crowned with victory. … The time will come when no
man nor woman will be able to endure on borrowed light. Each will have to be
guided by the light within himself. If you do not have it, how can you stand?”
I think this speaks strongly of what Elder McAlister is out
doing on his mission and something for us all to think about. Until next week, enjoy these pictures from
This looks familiar!
Mission bike? |
What's being studied here? |
What's in the bowl? |
P-Day at the beach. |
P-Day at the beach. |
P-Day at the beach. |
P-Day at the beach. |
Elder Donoso and Elder McAlister |
Dinner? |
P-Day at the beach with some of the branch members. |
Not sure about this one.. |
P-Day at the beach. |
P-Day at the beach. |
P-Day at the beach. |
P-Day at the beach. |
Joe Cool |
P-Day at the beach. |
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