Monday, December 2, 2013

No...I don't own a helicopter

It was great to hear from Elder McAlister today.  Sounds like he is doing well, and they are successful in their work.  The helicopter story comes from me send a picture to him of the helicopter that our Young Men and Young Women got to go up in, which is owned as part of a business by a member in our ward.

Sounds like he had a good p-day today, and go to see more of the country.  They have three baptisms coming up, and I hope he gets to see them happen before either he or Elder Donoso are transferred.


Hey Everyone,

It is good to hear from everyone. Sounds like Thanksgiving was good and everyone was dying from eating too much food. It sounds like Christmas decorations are starting to go up. Also, the hutch in the house looks really good I thought that you guys bought a new one. The Utes game sounds like a lot of fun too. The Christmas tree looks really good that Jessica sent me. Brooke, I need to see a picture of yours too when it is decorated. Sabrina it’s really good to hear from you, I hope you had a good Thanksgiving and you look like you had a blast at the Utes game.

This week was pretty good and super-fast. We have been working hard with some families and one of the family's life has turned around. This family that we have been working with for a long time has had a hard life. Both of the parents have tried to commit suicide and their kids are hard to work with. They are super poor and barely have a house. Since we came in their life's, they have changed and I have really seen how people in this gospel are so caring. They are doing okay now, money is really hard to come by for them, but this family has certainly changed. The other family we are working with are an incomplete family, meaning the parents were baptized but not their kids. This family is really awesome and they love us like crazy. They always want us to come over and they are saying that we are a family now. The father and the mother were baptized 12 years ago, and they were only members for two weeks when they moved and lost contact with the church. Now we are bringing them back in. The dad of the family is a big muscled guy. He teaches Kung Fu and has a 4th degree black belt, or whatever you call it. He kind of scares me, but he is awesome. Guess what…this week we now have 3 people with a baptism date. We have Javiera on the 14 of December and Junio on the 21 of December and the last is on the 28th, which is Franco. After them we don't have any really solid investigators other than Claudia who has some problems but we are close with her.

This week we had an activity on Saturday were we did “Be a Missionary for a day” for the members and it went pretty well. We had on missionary with one member and it was hard because I got the old guy, and they sent us to the other side of our sector. I thought he was going to die on me (HaHa). I don't think that he has walked that much for a long time. We just went to visit less active family´s and our family wasn't home, so we went for another long walk to an investigator and I taught the lesson while he caught his breath. I did have him share his testimony at the end, and it went okay. But the activity in general went really good.

Funny story, the other missionary's saw the picture of the helicopter and now think that I am really rich. I tried to explain that it wasn't ours but they said I was lying and that we are super rich. So now a lot of people in Linares think that I am super rich and my family has our own helicopter. Well I thinks it’s kind of funny!

The work with Elder Donoso has been going well, and he is okay, I know that he is more scared of the shots than he was from the dog. But the work is going pretty well down here. It’s weird to think that we won’t be companion’s next cambio that is coming up super-fast. 

So today was p-day and guess what we got to do. We got to go to the beach which was really cool, but it’s not the kind that you think were a lot of people go to swim. It’s more of a beach people walk and take pictures at, so pretty much a tourist beach. The water is freezing and that's why we were allowed to go to it. It was super fun and I will send some pictures to you guys. It was so much fun, and we went with some recent converts and we got to try some of the sea food down here which is really good. The water looked so cool but the sand was more of a black color which was weird. I can’t send photos today because I forgot my SD card reader. 

That was my week, it was super fun and hot down here. I am doing my best to learn Spanish and do better in the lessons. I want to say thank you guys for your support and thanks for all that you guys do. I am thankful for the pudding and the candy in the package. The photos where really cool to and I loved Sabrina´s photo that she drew for me. Love you guys and thanks for everything.

Love you guys!!!

Elder McAlister 


This thought shared with Sean comes from Elder Henry B. Eyring talking about the Spirit. He said “Of all the times I have felt the promptings of the Spirit, they have come most forcefully and most surely when I was asking Heavenly Father what he would have me do for someone whom I loved and who I knew had a need.” 

This tells me that we need to pray for those we love, teach and work with and then we will receive the prompting from the Spirit on what to do and say.  I think this is an important message, especially doing missionary work.

Until next week...enjoy the start of the holiday season.

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